
Nokia New Windows Mobile Phones 2012

Nokia board chairman said on Wednesday Nokia Windows phones will be on the markets from 2012 on and renowned that Nokia had other possible partners in addition to Microsoft and Google.
Nokia announced last Friday it would associate with Microsoft and would adopt Windows Phone software crossways its devices, replacing its home-grown Symbian display place and turning the world's biggest cell phone maker into a uncontaminated hardware player.
"These Windows-based products (will be on markets) from 2012 onwards," Jorma Ollila said in a meeting with Finnish broadcaster YLE.
Nokia Chief Executive Stephen Elop said on Tuesday the firm was emotion the pressure and aimed to make a phone running new partner Microsoft's operating system by the end of this year.
Ollila said Microsoft had not been the only alternative for Nokia and noted various companies had showed their attention in cooperating with the Finnish mobile phone maker.
"There were Microsoft, Google and our own option (to continue alone). And in adding up to these we as well had other suitors."
He also said he had not been pressured by any shareholders about who should be Nokia's chief executive. Elop started at the wheel of Nokia last September and the Canadian is the primary non-Finn to head the firm.
Ollila frequent that he is to hand to work at Nokia board until 2012.
(Reporting by Terhi Kinnunen)
Microsoft and Nokia signed a ultimate agreement that seals the dealannounced in February between the two companies, creating a formidable competitor against Google‘s Android and Apple‘s iOS.
Now, Nokia can travel away from its aging Symbian operating system, embracing the Windows Phone software to create a new ecosystem of Nokia hardware and Microsoft software. The companies announced that Nokia-built Windows Phones are previously in development, “with the aim of securing volume machine shipments in 2012.”
While Nokia engineers are busying themselves creating hardware for the Windows Phone, Microsoft gains the authority of Nokia’s mapping and navigation platform, certain to enhance Microsoft’s Bing search engine. Those mapping services will also show up on Nokia phones organization Windows Phone, but there was no word about whether those mapping services would also run on Windows Phone handsets not made by Nokia.

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