
LG Revolution

Your Mobile Site has recently had the opportunity to play around a little bit with the LG Revolution. It’s a fairly nice phone, that we feel hasn’t gotten enough attention in the media as of yet. It deserves more… so we’re giving it some!
The Revolution is a much anticipated phone, even though it is not quite as high end as the recently released Samsung Galaxy S2 and the HTC Sensation. But it comes pretty close. Read our review and make up your mind about the LG Revolution yourself!

LG Revolution’s specs
It runs Android 2.2, but it can be updated to Android 2.3 Gingerbread. It supports an LTE 4G connection through Verizon. It has a 5 megapixel camera, which is nothing special in and of itself. But it stands out in the fact that it can record 720p HD video. Now that’s quite an accomplishment for a phone like that.
It has 16GB internal memory storage, but this can be expanded with microSD cards. The 1.3 megapixel front camera can be used for video calling. The 4.3” touch screen display makes it one of the biggest display phones out there, right on par with the Galaxy S2 and the Sensation.
It runs a 1GHz Snapdragon MSM8655 processor. That means no dual core. And this is why LG’s Revolution smartphone doesn’t quite make it into the high end category. Everybody knows dual cores have smoother interface responses.

LG Revolution Review
For starters, we are glad to see that the display takes up such a large part of the phone. That’s how all new phones ought to be designed, in our opinion. It’s the modern way to go.
Not only are we happy with the screen size, we also like the general dimensions of this phone. It is 128 mm long and 67 mm wide. It’s about 13 mm thick, which is not the thinnest we’ve ever seen. But it’s alright.
The internal memory of the LG Revolution is fairly large. At 16GB, there are plenty of other phones that the LG Revolution leaves behind. The external memory adds to the memory awesomeness of the Revolution significantly. You can stuff a 32GB external memory card in there for a total of 48GB storage space. Pretty impressive.
At 5 megapixels, the camera is lagging behind with regards to the competition. But the video that you can record with the Revolution is fairly impressive. IntoMobile has put up a YouTube video that shows off the Revolution’s recording abilities. You should check it out:
The processor is a 1GHz single core Snapdragon CPU. We can clearly tell the difference between single core and dual core user interface responsiveness. No single core smartphone comes close to the user friendly experience of any dual core smartphone. But still, the LG Revolution responds fairly quickly. There isn’t at all that much bloatware installed on it.
There is a 1500mAh battery under the Revolution’s hood. The battery life certainly isn’t bad. Your phone will easily last a few days, even when you use it on a frequent basis.
It is too bad that the Revolution is running Android 2.2, which is now antique by software standards. LG has promised that a 2.3 update is quickly coming. We’re looking forward to it; it would do this phone a lot more justice.
This is also not the lightest phone we’ve ever had our hands on. We’re not sure what makes the phone relatively heavy. But its weight is not a deal breaker. Even the most frequent caller will still carry their smartphone around in the pocket more often than not.
Overall, we’re very enthusiastic about the LG Revolution. At the price point of less than $250, many people are going to be very interested in this awesome LG smartphone!

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