
RIM Pearl 8100

Canadian BlackBerry mobile phone manufacturer RIM is reportedly creating a super secret rival to the Apple iPhone, and it has been codenamed “AK” as in “Apple Killer.” The BlackBerry 9000 made a few waves with being delayed, and certain rumours had the BlackBerry 9000 handset sporting a touch-screen has now disappeared.

However this doesn’t mean RIM has given up on producing their own touch-screen version to compete in the smartphone/touch-screen markets, and Independent software developers are saying RIM has the “AK” under development.
So could the next generation BlackBerry 9100 become the BlackBerry “AK?” We will eventually find out undoubtedly, but one thing is for sure, RIM will be launching some type of touch-screen device in the near future. Touch-screens are the latest “in thing” everyone wants one, but RIM needs to remember what LG is already aware of, the UI is really the deal maker or breaker.

Obviously Apple has the leading iPhone UI, however RIM could just come to the market offering enterprising integration along with high specification hardware, and if they can then the Apple iPhone could see some serious competition.

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